CRAP! I have a blog?
I have been so busy over the past few months...I actually forgot that I had a blog!
I have been spending 99.9% of my time working on or at my new gallery Visual Arts Collective (VaC).
Things have been going very well there all things considered. My wife Anneliessa and I have recently separated from our partners at the gallery. This was very stressful and scary at first but we are staying steadfast to the original vision of the gallery and moving forward at breakneck speed.
We have had several successful shows with throngs of people in attendance.
Check out some images from the shows in our gallery pages:
We have many more shows in the works. Along with a ton of great events planned for the future that will continue to show to the Boise community that a multi-use art space in this city is a viable and important endeavor. So far the support has been overwhelming!! We have received a lot of press and positive support from the community.
Check out our PRESS page to read what people are saying about VaC.
Meanwhile ,work on my art has suffered a bit and I have had little time to dedicate to my own work...but I think as things settle down at VaC I will begin to be able to focus more of my free time on working on my sculpture. LETS HOPE SO!
I doubt that many folks actually read this blog...but I am going to dedicate myself to posting more regularly. Even if it is only to help document my activities for my own records.
Happy Blogging
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